MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Avacyn Restored Spoiler
Avacyn Restored is the set 3 of 3 in the Innistrad block
Number of Cards: 244
Prerelease Events: April 28-29, 2012
Release Date: May 4, 2012
Launch Weekend: May 4-6, 2012
Game Day: May 25-26, 2012
Official Three-Letter Code: AVR
Twitter Hashtag: #MTGAVR
Design Team: Brian Tinsman (lead), Mark L. Gottlieb, Dave Guskin, Kenneth Nagle, Bill Rose, Mark Rosewater
Development Team: David Humpherys (lead), Mark Globus, Dave Guskin, Erik Lauer, Billy Moreno, Matt Sernett
Avacyn Restored is the third set of the Innistrad block.
Avacyn Restored – Ignite the Dawn will be a large stand-alone set of 244 cards and it will be drafted by itself.
Avacyn Restored Intro Pack Decklists
Booster Packs
Avacyn Restored Intro and Event Decks Art
Avacyn Restored Prerelease Information
Avacyn Restored Art and Trailer
There are Two Planeswalkers confirmed in AVR. They are Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded and Tamiyo, the Moon Sage.

Angel of Jubilation

Angel’s Mercy

Angelic Wall


Avacyn, Angel of Hope

Banishing Stroke

Builder’s Blessing

Call to Serve

Cathars’ Crusade

Cathedral Sanctifier


Commander’s Authority



Defy Death

Devout Chaplain

Divine Deflection

Emancipation Angel

Entreat the Angels

Farbog Explorer

Goldnight Commander

Goldnight Redeemer

Herald of War

Holy Justiciar

Leap of Faith

Midnight Duelist

Midvast Protector

Moonlight Geist

Moorland Inquisitor

Nearheath Pilgrim

Restoration Angel

Riders of Gavony

Righteous Blow

Seraph of Dawn

Silverblade Paladin

Spectral Gateguards


Thraben Valiant

Voice of the Provinces

Zealous Strike

Alchemist’s Apprentice

Amass the Components

Arcane Melee

Captain of the Mists

Crippling Chill

Deadeye Navigator

Devastation Tide


Elgaud Shieldmate

Favorable Winds


Fleeting Distraction

Galvanic Alchemist

Geist Snatch


Ghostly Flicker

Ghostly Touch

Gryff Vanguard *

Havengul Skaab

Infinite Reflection

Into the Void

Latch Seeker

Lone Revenant

Lunar Mystic

Mass Appeal

Mist Raven

Misthollow Griffin

Nephalia Smuggler


Peel from Reality

Rotcrown Ghoul

Scrapskin Drake

Second Guess

Spectral Prison

Spirit Away

Stern Mentor

Stolen Goods

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

Tandem Lookout

Temporal Mastery



Appetite for Brains

Barter in Blood

Blood Artist

Bloodflow Connoisseur

Bone Splinters

Butcher Ghoul

Corpse Traders

Crypt Creeper

Dark Impostor

Death Wind

Demonic Rising

Demonic Taskmaster

Demonlord of Ashmouth

Descent into Madness

Dread Slaver

Driver of the Dead

Essence Harvest

Evernight Shade