MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Eldritch Moon Spoiler
Release Date: July 22, 2016 Prerelease Events: July 16–17, 2016
Number of Cards: 205

Decimator of the Provinces

Distended Mindbender

Drownyard Behemoth

Elder Deep-Fiend

Emrakul, the Promised End

Eternal Scourge

It of the Horrid Swarm

Lashweed Lurker

Mockery of Nature

Vexing Scuttler

Wretched Gryff

Blessed Alliance

Borrowed Grace

Brisela, Voice of Nightmares

Bruna, the Fading Light

Choking Restraints

Collective Effort

Courageous Outrider

Dawn Gryff

Deploy the Gatewatch

Desperate Sentry

Drogskol Shieldmate

Extricator of Sin // Extricator of Flesh

Faith Unbroken

Faithbearer Paladin

Fiend Binder

Geist of the Lonely Vigil

Gisela, the Broken Blade

Give No Ground

Guardian of Pilgrims

Ironclad Slayer

Ironwright’s Cleansing

Lone Rider // It Rides as One

Long Road Home

Lunarch Mantle

Peace of Mind


Repel the Abominable

Sanctifier of Souls

Selfless Spirit

Sigarda’s Blessing

Sigardian Priest

Spectral Reserves

Steadfast Cathar

Subjugator Angel

Thalia, Heretical Cathar

Thalia’s Lancers

Thraben Standard Bearer

Advanced Stitchwing

Chilling Grasp

Coax from the Blind Eternities

Contingency Plan


Curious Humunculus // Voracious Reader


Docent of Perfection // Final Iteration

Drag Under

Enlightened Maniac

Exultant Cultist


Fortune’s Favor

Geist of the Archives

Grizzled Angler // Grisly Anglerfish

Identity Thief

Imprisoned in the Moon

Ingenious Skaab

Laboratory Brute

Power of the Moon

Mausoleum Wanderer

Mind’s Dilation

Nebelgast Herald

Niblis of Frost

Scour the Laboratory

Spontaneous Mutation

Summary Dismissal

Take Inventory

Tattered Haunter

Turn Aside


Wharf Infiltrator

Boon of Emrakul

Borrowed Malevolence

Cemetery Recruitment

Certain Death

Collective Brutality


Dark Salvation

Dusk Feaster

Gavony Unhallowed

Graf Harvest

Graf Rats

Haunted Dead

Liliana, the Last Hope

Liliana’s Elite

Markov Crusader

Midnight Scavengers

Chittering Host


Noosegraf Mob

Oath of Liliana