MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Fate Reforged Spoiler
Set 2 of 3 in the Khans of Tarkir block
Number of Cards: 185
Prerelease Events: January 17-18, 2015 Release Date: January 23, 2015 Game Day: February 13, 2015 Official Three-Letter Code: FRF

Abzan Advantage

Abzan Runemark

Abzan Skycaptain

Arashin Cleric

Aven Skirmisher

Channel Harm

Citadel Siege

Daghatar the Adamant

Dragon Bell Monk

Dragonscale General

Elite Scaleguard

Great-Horn Krushok

Honor’s Reward

Jeskai Barricade


Lotus-Eye Mystics

Mardu Woe-Reaper

Mastery of the Unseen

Monastery Mentor

Pressure Point

Regroup the Ancestors

Sage’s Reverie


Sandsteppe Outcast

Soul Summons

Soulfire Grand Master

Valorous Stance

Wandering Champion

Wardscale Dragon

Aven Surveyor


Enhanced Awareness


Frost Walker

Jeskai Infiltrator

Jeskai Runemark

Jeskai Sage

Lotus Path Djinn

Marang River Prowler

Mindscour Dragon

Mistfire Adept

Monastery Siege

Neutralizing Blast

Rakshasa’s Disdain

Reality Shift


Renowned Weaponsmith

Rite of Undoing

Sage-Eye Avengers

Shifting Loyalties

Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest

Sultai Skullkeeper

Supplant Form

Temporal Trespass

Torrent Elemental

Whisk Away

Will of the Naga

Write Into Being

Alesha’s Vanguard

Ancestral Vengeance

Archfiend of Depravity

Battle Brawler

Brutal Hordechief

Crux of Fate

Dark Deal

Diplomacy of the Wastes

Douse in Gloom

Fearsome Awakening

Ghastly Conscription

Grave Strength

Gurmag Angler

Hooded Assassin

Mardu Shadowspear

Mardu Strike Leader

Merciless Executioner

Noxious Dragon

Orc Sureshot

Palace Siege

Qarsi High Priest

Reach of Shadows

Sibsig Host

Sibsig Muckdraggers


Sultai Emissary

Sultai Runemark

Tasigur, the Golden Fang

Tasigur’s Cruelty

Typhoid Rats

Alesha, Who Smiles at Death


Bathe in Dragonfire

Bloodfire Enforcers

Break Through the Line

Collateral Damage

Defiant Ogre


Fierce Invocation

Flamerush Rider

Flamewake Phoenix

Friendly Fire