MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Gatecrash Spoiler
Gatecrash Set 2 of 3 in the Return to Ravnica block
Number of Cards: 249
Prerelease Events: January 26-27, 2013 Release Date: February 1, 2013 Launch Weekend: February 1-3, 2013 Game Day: February 23-24, 2013 Official Three-Letter Code: GTC Twitter Hashtag: #MTGGTC
There are two planeswalkers in the set, Domri Rade and Gideon, Champion of Justice.
The 5 guild leaders are legendary creatures:
Orzhov – Ghost Council of Orzhova
Dimir – Lazav
Gruul – Borborygmos
Boros – Aurelia
Simic – Zegana

Angelic Edict

Angelic Skirmisher

Assault Griffin

Basilica Guards

Blind Obedience

Boros Elite

Court Street Denizen

Daring Skyjek

Debtor’s Pulpit

Dutiful Thrull

Frontline Medic

Gideon, Champion of Justice

Guardian of the Gateless

Guildscorn Ward

Hold the Gates

Holy Mantle

Knight of Obligation

Knight Watch

Luminate Primordial

Murder Investigation

Nav Squad Commandos

Righteous Charge

Shielded Passage


Syndic of Tithes

Urbis Protector

Zarichi Tiger



Clinging Anemones

Cloudfin Raptor

Diluvian Primordial

Enter the Infinite

Frilled Oculus


Hands of Binding

Incursion Specialist

Keymaster Rogue

Last Thoughts

Leyline Phantom

Metropolis Sprite

Mindeye Drake

Rapid Hybridization


Sage’s Row Denizen

Sapphire Drake

Scatter Arc

Simic Fluxmage

Simic Manipulator


Spell Rupture

Stolen Identity

Totally Lost


Way of the Thief

Basilica Screecher

Balustrade Spy

Contaminated Ground

Corpse Blockade

Crypt Ghast

Death’s Approach

Devour Flesh

Dying Wish

Gateway Shade

Grisly Spectacle

Gutter Skulk

Horror of the Dim

Illness in the Ranks

Killing Glare

Lord of the Void

Mental Vapors

Midnight Recovery

Ogre Slumlord

Sepulchral Primordial

Shadow Alley Denizen

Shadow Slice

Slate Street Ruffian

Smog Elemental

Syndicate Enforcer

Thrull Parasite

Undercity Informer

Undercity Plague

Wight of Precinct Six

Bomber Corps

Cinder Elemental

Crackling Perimeter

Ember Beast

Firefist Striker

Five-Alarm Fire

Foundry Street Denizen

Furious Resistance

Hellkite Tyrant

Hellraiser Goblin

Homing Lightning

Legion Loyalist

Madcap Skills

Mark for Death

Massive Raid

Molten Primordial
