MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Graveborn Spoiler
60-card premium foil deck, including 8 rare cards, Exclusive Spindown life counter, Foil deck box, Strategy insert, Magic “learn to play” guide.
Release Date: November 18, 2011
MSRP: $34.99
Call Forth the Dead. Legions of corpses await your sinister commands. This 60-card, all-foil deck entombs, exhumes, and reanimates some of the most powerful Magic creatures from all five colors of mana. Harvest your graveyard for an assortment of these face-beaters as you walk over a field of bones to claim your victory.

Inkwell Leviathan


Faceless Butcher

Twisted Abomination


Zombie Infestation

Last Rites

Sickening Dreams


Diabolic Servitude

Dread Return

Polluted Mire

Ebon Stronghold

Crystal Vein

Putrid Imp

Blazing Archon

Verdant Force


Hidden Horror

Cabal Therapy

Crosis, the Purger

Avatar of Woe


Animate Dead