MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Khans of Tarkir Spoiler
Set 1 of 3 in the Khans of Tarkir block
Number of Cards: 269
Prerelease Events: September 20-21, 2014 Release Date: September 26, 2014 Game Day: October 18-19, 2014 Official Three-Letter Code: KTK
Khans of Tarkir Art
Intro Packs Decklists
Khans of Tarkir Card List
Abzan Clan Cards
Jeskai Clan Cards
Mardu Clan Cards
Sultai Clan Cards
Temur Clan Cards

Abzan Falconer

Ainok Bond-Kin

Alabaster Kirin

Brave the Sands

Dazzling Ramparts

Defiant Strike

End Hostilities


Feat of Resistance

Firehoof Cavalry

Herald of Anafenza

High Sentinels of Arashin

Jeskai Student

Kill Shot

Mardu Hateblade

Mardu Hordechief

Master of Pearls

Rush of Battle

Sage-Eye Harrier

Salt Road Patrol

Seeker of the Way


Smite the Monstrous

Suspension Field

Take Up Arms

Timely Hordemate

Venerable Lammasu

War Behemoth

Watcher of the Roost

Wingmate Roc

Blinding Spray


Clever Impersonator

Crippling Chill

Dig Through Time

Disdainful Stroke

Dragon’s Eye Savants

Embodiment of Spring

Force Away

Glacial Stalker

Icy blast

Jeskai Elder

Jeskai Windscout

Kheru Spellsnatcher

Mistfire Weaver

Monastery Flock

Mystic of the Hidden Way

Pearl Lake Ancient

Quiet Contemplation

Riverwheel Aerialists


Scion of Glaciers

Set Adrift

Singing Bell Strike

Stubborn Denial

Taigam’s Scheming

Thousand Winds

Treasure Cruise


Weave Fate

Wetland Sambar

Whirlwind Adept

Bellowing Saddlebrute

Bitter Revelation

Bloodsoaked Champion

Dead Drop

Debilitating Injury


Disowned Ancestor

Dutiful Return

Empty the Pits

Grim Haruspex

Gurmag Swiftwing

Kheru Bloodsucker

Kheru Dreadmaw

Krumar Bond-Kin

Mardu Skullhunter

Mer-Ek Nightblade

Molting Snakeskin

Murderous Cut

Necropolis Fiend

Raiders’ Spoils

Rakshasa’s Secret

Retribution of the Ancients

Rite of the Serpent

Rotting Mastodon

Ruthless Ripper

Shambling Attendants

Sidisi’s Pet

Sultai Scavenger

Swarm of Bloodflies


Unyielding Krumar

Act of Treason

Ainok Tracker

Arc Lightning

Arrow Storm

Ashcloud Phoenix

Barrage of Boulders

Bloodfire Expert