MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Modern Masters 2017 Spoiler
Release Date: March 17, 2017 Magic Online Release Date: March 23, 2017
Number of Cards: 249

Banishing Stroke

Blade Splicer

Entreat of Angels

Eyes in the Skies


Gideon’s Lawkeeper

Graceful Reprieve

Intangible Virtue

Kor Hookmaster

Kor Skyfisher

Lingering Souls

Linvala, Keeper of Silence

Lone Missionary

Master Splicer

Momentary Blink

Path to Exile

Pitfall Trap

Ranger of Eos

Restoration Angel

Rootborn Defenses


Sensor Splicer

Soul Warden

Stony Silence


Urbis Protector

Wake the Reflections

Youthful Knight

Augur of Bolas

Azure Mage

Cackling Counterpart

Compulsive Research

Crippling Chill

Cyclonic Rift

Deadeye Navigator

Familiar’s Ruse

Forbidden Alchemy

Ghostly Flicker

Gifts Ungiven

Grasp of Phantoms

Kraken Hatchling

Mist Raven

Mystical Teachings


Phantasmal Image


Sea Gate Oracle

Serum Visions

Snapcaster Mage

Spell Pierce

Spire Monitor

Tandem Lookout

Temporal Mastery

Venser, Shaper Savant

Wall of Frost

Wing Splicer


Abyssal Specter

Bone Splinters

Corpse Connoisseur

Cower in Fear


Death’s Shadow

Delirium Skeins

Desecration Demon

Dregscape Zombie

Entomber Exarch

Extractor Demon

Falkenrath Noble

Gnawing Zombie


Grisly Spectacle

Grixis Slavedriver

Inquisition of Kozilek

Liliana of the Veil

Mind Shatter

Mortician Beetle

Night Terrors

Ogre Jailbreaker

Pit Keeper


Seal of Doom

Sever the Bloodline

Unburial Rites

Vampire Aristocrat

Vampire Nighthawk

Ancient Grudge

Battle-Rattle Shaman

Blood Moon

Bonfire of the Damned

Chandra’s Outrage

Dragon Fodder


Goblin Assault

Goblin Guide

Hanweir Lancer


Madcap Skills

Magma Jet

Magma Jet