MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Vintage Masters Spoiler
Prerelease Events: June 13-16, 2014
Magic Online Release Date: June 16, 2014 MSRP: $6.99 (per deck)
Vintage Masters is a set that will be similar in size to Modern Masters, available only in Magic Online. Vintage Masters will be a non-redeemable set available only in Magic Online in 15-card booster packs. Vintage Masters booster packs will retail for the MSRP of $6.99, and each pack will contain the following:
10 commons
3 uncommons
1 rare or mythic rare
1 premium foil card (any rarity, including the extremely rare premium foil Power Nine card), OR 1 Power Nine card
3 uncommons
1 rare or mythic rare
1 premium foil card (any rarity, including the extremely rare premium foil Power Nine card), OR 1 Power Nine card
There will be premium foil versions of all cards in the Vintage Masters set, including the Power Nine!