How to Get Godzilla Series Monster Cards
19 Godzilla Series Monster Cards.
One card, the Buy-a-Box card, only exists in its Godzilla Series form, but each of the others has both an Ikoria card and a matching Godzilla Series card.
WPN stores will have a foil Godzilla card as part of the Buy-a-Box promotion in addition to a single-card box topper pack that comes with each Draft Booster box. So if you preorder from your local WPN store, you can get two cards featuring Godzilla Series Monsters.
Each display of Draft Boosters will have a single-card Box Topper pack featuring a Foil Godzilla Monster Series card. In Japanese boosters, there are 18 different Box topper cards in foil (three found only in Japanese language). In all other languages there are 15 different box toppers.
Each Collector Booster has a dedicated slot that will have either a foil or non-foil Godzilla Series Monster. In this slot, you can get either one of the 15 worldwide box toppers, the three Japanese exclusives, or the Buy-a-Box (non-foil only).
In Japanese Draft Boosters, 1 in 12 packs will have a non-foil Godzilla Series Monster card. 1 in 60 will have a foil Godzilla Series Monster card. You cannot get the Buy-a-Box card in this way; only the other 18 Godzilla Series Monsters cards.