MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Battlebond Spoiler
Release date: June 8, 2018. 254 unique cards total, 85 brand new, all of which will immediately be legal in Commander, Legacy, and Vintage. Battlebond Packaging

Rowan Kenrith

Regna, the Redeemer

Krav, the Unredeemed

Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom

Okaun, Eye of Chaos

Virtus the Veiled

Gorm the Great

Khorvath Brightflame

Sylvia Brightspear

Pir, Imaginative Rascal

Toothy, Imaginary Friend

Blaring Recruiter

Blaring Captain

Chakram Retriever

Chakram Slinger

Soulblade Corrupter

Soulblade Renewer

Impetuous Protege

Proud Mentor

Ley Weaver

Lore Weaver

Arena Rector

Aurora Champion


Bring Down

Dwarven Lightsmith

Jubilant Mascot

Play the Game

Regna’s Sanction


Together Forever

Arcane Artisan


Game Plan

Huddle Up

Nimbus Champion

Out of Bounds

Saltwater Stalwart

Soaring Show-Off


Spellweaver Duo

Zndrsplt’s Judgment

Archfiend of Despair

Bloodborn Scoundrels

Fan Favorite

Gang Up

Inner Demon

Mindblade Render

Sickle Dancer

Stunning Reversal

Thrasher Brute

Thrilling Encore

Virtus’s Maneuver

Azra Bladeseeker

Bonus Round

Bull-Rush Bruiser

Cheering Fanatic

Khorvath’s Fury

Lava-Field Overlord

Magma Hellion

Najeela, the Blade-Blossom

Stadium Vendors

Stolen Strategy

Bramble Sovereign

Charging Binox

Combo Attack

The Crowd Goes Wild

Decorated Champion

Generous Patron

Grothama, All-Devouring

Jungle Wayfinder

Pir’s Whim

Arcon of Valor’s Reach

Azra Oddsmaker

Last One Standing

Rushblade Commander

Vampire Charmseeker

Sentinel Tower

Victory Chimes

Bountiful Promenade

Luxury Suite

Morphic Pool

Sea of Clouds

Spire Garden

Angel of Retribution

Angelic Chorus

Angelic Gift

Battle Mastery

Champion of Arashin

Doomed Traveler

Expedition Raptor

Kor Spiritdancer

Land Tax


Long Road Home

Loyal Pegasus

Mangara of Corondor

Midnight Guard

Oreskos Explorer
