MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Core Set 2020 Spoiler
Release Date: July 12, 2019.
Buy Bundle Box – $31.99 Buy Booster Box – $94.99 Buy Combo Pack – $121.99
Buy Booster – $2.79 Buy Variety Pack – $171.99 Buy Planeswalker Decks – $49.99

Gruesome Scourger

Knight of the Ebon Legion

Legion’s End

Leyline of the Void

Mind Rot


Noxious Grasp

Rotting Regisaur

Sanitarium Skeleton

Scheming Symmetry

Sorcerer of the Fang

Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord

Soul Salvage

Thought Distortion

Undead Servant

Unholy Indenture

Vampire of the Dire Moon

Vengeful Warchief

Vilis, Broker of Blood

Yarok’s Fenlurker

Act of Treason

Cavalier of Flame

Chandra, Acolyte of Flame

Chandra, Awakened Inferno

Chandra, Novice Pyromancer

Chandra’s Embercat

Chandra’s Outrage

Chandra’s Regulator

Chandra’s Spitfire

Daggersail Aeronaut

Destructive Digger

Dragon Mage

Drakuseth, Maw of Flames

Ember Hauler

Fire Elemental

Flame Sweep


Glint-Horn Buccaneer

Goblin Bird-Grabber

Goblin Ringleader

Goblin Smuggler


Keldon Raider

Lavakin Brawler

Leyline of Combustion

Maniacal Rage

Marauding Raptor

Mask of Immolation

Pack Mastiff

Rapacious Dragon

Reckless Air Strike

Reduce to Ashes

Repeated Reverberation

Ripscale Predator

Scampering Scorcher

Scorch Spitter


Tectonic Rift

Thunderkin Awakener

Uncaged Fury

Unchained Berserker

Barkhide Troll

Brightwood Tracker

Cavalier of Thorns

Centaur Courser

Elvish Reclaimer

Feral Invocation

Ferocious Pup

Gargos, Vicious Watcher

Gift of Paradise

Greenwood Sentinel

Growth Cycle

Healer of the Glade

Howling Giant

Leafkin Druid

Leyline of Abundance

Loaming Shaman

Mammoth Spider

Might of the Masses

Natural End

Netcaster Spider

Nightpack Ambusher


Overgrowth Elemental


Pulse of Murasa

Rabid Bite

Season of Growth

Sedge Scorpion

Shared Summons

Shifting Ceratops

Silverback Shaman

Thicket Crasher

Thrashing Brontodon

Veil of Summer

Vivien, Arkbow Ranger

Voracious Hydra


Wakeroot Elemental

Wolfkin Bond