MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Jumpstart Spoiler
Release Date: July 17, 2020. Each Jumpstart booster contains 20 cards centered on a randomized theme. There are a total of 46 themes. One in three boosters includes an extra rare. 37 new cards and almost 500 reprints.
Buy Booster – $5.49 Buy Booster Box (24 Booster Packs) – $124.99
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Goblin Chieftain


Path of Bravery

Lena, Selfless Champion

Cradle of Vitality

Black Market

Sin Prodder

Rishkar, Peema Renegade

Dualcaster Mage

Angelic Arbiter

Ajani’s Chosen

Rhox Faithmender

Blessed Spirits

Angel Plains

Linvala, Keeper of Silence

Chained Brute

Enchanted Plains

Kor Spiritdancer

Celestial Mantle

Terror of the Peaks

Dragon Mountain

Mill Island

Bruvac the Grandiloquent


Stone Haven Pilgrim

Branching Evolution

Harvester of Souls


Immolating Gyre

Myr Sire

Unstable Obelisk


Cryptic Serpent

Soul Salvage

Homing Lightning

Lightning Axe

Lightning Diadem

Warden of Evos Isle

Windstorm Drake

Windreader Sphinx

Serendib Efreet

Phyrexian Gargantua

Phyrexian Debaser

Phyrexian Broodlings

Phyrexian Reclamation

Above the Clouds Island

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner

Inniaz, the Gale Force

Gonti, Lord of Luxury

Lightning Bolt

Muxux, Goblin Grandee

Rogues Swamp

Smashing Mountain

Goblin Mountain

Sethron, Hurloon General

Hearld’s Horn

Rageblood Shaman

Minotaur Land

Elves Forest

Lands Forest

Lightning Mountain

Under the Sea Island

Rampaging Brontodon

Ball Lightning

Whelming Wave

Read the Runes

Mystic Archaeologist

Mikaeus, the Lunarch

High Sentinels of Arashin

Duelist’s Heritage

Archon of Redemption

Archon of Justice

Angel of the Dire Hour

Pirates Island

Coastal Piracy

Corsair Captain

Mentor of the Meek

Legion Plains

Path to Exile

Bird Plains

Steel-Plume Marshal

Cathar’s Crusade

Patron of the Valiant

Phyrexian Swamp

Sheoldred, Whispering One

Unicorn Plains


Emiel the Blessed

Blessed Sanctuary

Elvish Archdruid

Cats Forest

Lurking Predators


Ulvenwald Hydra

Oracle of Mul Daya

Dinosaur Forest

Ghalta, Primal Hunger

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds

Sharding Sphinx

Island – Well-Read