MTG - Magic: the Gathering
March of the Machine Spoiler
Release Date: April 21, 2023
March of the Machine Commander | Commander Decks | March of the Machine Variants | Jumpstart | Number Crunch
Buy Set Box - $129.99 Buy Draft Box - $106.99 Buy Collector Box - $229.99 Buy 5 Commander Decks - $189.99

Aerial Boost

Alabaster Host Intercessor

Alabaster Host Sanctifier

Angelic Intervention

Archangel Elspeth

Attentive Skywarden

Bola Slinger

Boon-Bringer Valkyrie

Cut Short

Dusk Legion Duelist

Elesh Norn

Elspeth’s Smite

Enduring Bondwarden

Golden-Scale Aeronaut

Guardian of Ghirapur

Heliod, the Radiant Dawn

Infected Defector

Inspired Charge

Invasion of Belenon

Invasion of Dominaria

Invasion of Gobakhan

Invasion of Theros

Kithkin Billyrider

Knight of the New Coalition

Knight-Errant of Eos

Kor Halberd

Monastery Mentor

Norn’s Inquisitor

Phyrexian Awakening

Phyrexian Censor

Progenitor Exarch

Realmbreaker’s Grasp


Seal from Existence

Seraph of New Capenna

Sigiled Sentinel

Sun-Blessed Guardian

Sunder the Gateway


Surge of Salvation

Swordsworn Cavalier

Tarkir Duneshaper

Tiller of Flesh

Zhalfirin Lancer

Artistic Refusal

Assimilate Essence

Astral Wingspan

Captive Weird

Change the Equation

Chrome Host Seedshark

Complete the Circuit

Corruption of Towashi

Disturbing Conversion

Ephara’s Dispersal

Expedition Lookout

Eyes of Gitaxias

Faerie Mastermind

Furtive Analyst

Halo-Charged Skaab

Invasion of Arcavios

Invasion of Kamigawa

Invasion of Segovia

Invasion of Vryn


Meeting of Minds

Moment of Truth


Oculus Whelp

Omen Hawker

Oracle of Tragedy

Order of the Mirror

Preening Champion

Protocol Knight

Rona, Herald of Invasion

Saiba Cryptomancer

See Double

Skyclave Aerialist

Stasis Field

Temporal Cleansing

Thunderhead Squadron

Tidal Terror

Transcendent Message

Wicked Slumber

Xerex Strobe-Knight

Zephyr Singer

Zhalfirin Shapecraft

Aetherblade Agent

Archpriest of Shadows

Ayara, Widow of the Realm

Bladed Battle-Fan

Blightreaper Thallid

Bloated Processor

Breach the Multiverse

Collective Nightmare

Compleated Huntmaster

Consuming Aetherborn

Corrupted Conviction

Deadly Derision

Dreg Recycler

Etched Familiar