MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Spoiler
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Set Code: OTJ
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander Set Code: OTC
Breaking News Set Code: OTP
The Big Score Set Code: BIG
Special Guests Set Code: SPG
Release Date: April 19, 2024
Commander Decks | Commander | Variants | Promos | Products | Number Crunch
Buy Collector Box - $229.99 Buy Play Box - $139.99 Buy Play Booster - $3.99 Buy 4 Commander Decks - $164.99

Archangel of Tithes

Armored Armadillo

Aven Interrupter

Bounding Felidar

Bovine Intervention

Bridled Bighorn

Claim Jumper

Dust Animus

Eriette’s Lullaby

Final Showdown

Fortune, Loyal Steed

Frontier Seeker

Getaway Glamer

High Noon

Holy Cow

Inventive Wingsmith

Lassoed by the Law

Mystical Tether

Nurturing Pixie

Omenport Vigilante

One Last Job

Outlaw Medic

Prairie Dog

Prosperity Tycoon

Requisition Raid

Rustler Rampage

Shepherd of the Clouds

Sheriff of Safe Passage

Stagecoach Security

Steer Clear

Sterling Keykeeper

Sterling Supplier

Take Up the Shield

Thunder Lasso

Trained Arynx

Vengeful Townsfolk

Wanted Griffin

Archmage’s Newt

Canyon Crab

Daring Thunder-Thief

Deepmuck Desperado

Djinn of Fool’s Fall

Double Down

Duelist of the Mind

Emergent Haunting

Failed Fording

Fblthp, Lost on the Range

Fleeting Reflection

Geralf, the Fleshwright

Geyser Drake

Harrier Strix

Jailbreak Scheme

The Key to the Vault

Loan Shark

Marauding Sphinx

Metamorphic Blast

Nimble Brigand

Outlaw Stitcher

Peerless Ropemaster

Phantom Interference

Plan the Heist


Seize the Secrets

Shackle Slinger

Shifting Grift

Slickshot Lockpicker

Slickshot Vault-Buster

Spring Splasher

Step Between Worlds

Stoic Sphinx

Stop Cold

Take the Fall

This Town Ain’t Big Enough

Three Steps Ahead

Visage Bandit

Ambush Gigapede

Binding Negotiation

Blacksnag Buzzard

Blood Hustler

Boneyard Desecrator

Caustic Bronco

Consuming Ashes

Corrupted Conviction

Desert’s Due

Desperate Bloodseeker

Fake Your Own Death

Forsaken Miner

Gisa, the Hellraiser

Hollow Marauder

Insatiable Avarice

Kaervek, the Punisher

Lively Dirge

Mourner’s Surprise

Neutralize the Guards

Nezumi Linkbreaker

Overzealous Muscle

Pitiless Carnage

Rakish Crew

Rattleback Apothecary

Raven of Fell Omens

Rictus Robber

Rooftop Assassin

Rush of Dread

Servant of the Stinger

Shoot the Sheriff


Tinybones Joins Up

Tinybones, the Pickpocket

Treasure Dredger

Unfortunate Accident

Unscrupulous Contractor

Vadmir, New Blood

Vault Plunderer

Brimstone Roundup

Calamity, Galloping Inferno

Caught in the Crossfire

Cunning Coyote

Deadeye Duelist

Demonic Ruckus

Discerning Peddler

Explosive Derailment


Gila Courser

Great Train Heist

Hell to Pay

Hellspur Brute

Hellspur Posse Boss

Highway Robbery

Irascible Wolverine

Iron-Fist Pulverizer

Longhorn Sharpshooter

Magda, the Hoardmaster

Magebane Lizard

Mine Raider

Outlaws’ Fury

Prickly Pair

Quick Draw

Quilled Charger

Reckless Lackey

Resilient Roadrunner

Return the Favor

Rodeo Pyromancers

Scalestorm Summoner

Scorching Shot

Slickshot Show-Off

Stingerback Terror

Take for a Ride

Terror of the Peaks

Thunder Salvo

Trick Shot

Aloe Alchemist

Ankle Biter

Beastbond Outcaster

Betrayal at the Vault

Bristlepack Sentry

Bristly Bill, Spine Sower


Colossal Rattlewurm

Dance of the Tumbleweeds

Drover Grizzly

Freestrider Commando

Freestrider Lookout

Full Steam Ahead

Giant Beaver

Gold Rush

Goldvein Hydra

Hardbristle Bandit

Intrepid Stablemaster

Map the Frontier

Ornery Tumblewagg

Outcaster Greenblade

Outcaster Trailblazer

Patient Naturalist

Railway Brawler

Rambling Possum

Raucous Entertainer

Reach for the Sky

Rise of the Varmints

Smuggle’s Surprise

Snakeskin Veil

Spinewoods Armadillo

Spinewoods Paladin

Stubborn Burrowfiend

Throw from the Saddle

Trash the Town

Tumbleweed Rising

Voracious Varmint

Akul the Unrepentant

Annie Flash, the Veteran

Annie Joins Up

Assimilation Aegis

At Knifepoint

Badlands Revival

Baron Bertram Graywater

Bonny Pall, Clearcutter

Breeches, the Blastmaker

Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher

Cactusfolk Sureshot

Congregation Gryff

Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius

Eriette, the Beguiler

Ertha Jo, Frontier Mentor