MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Spoiler
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Set Code: OTJ
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander Set Code: OTC
Breaking News Set Code: OTP
The Big Score Set Code: BIG
Special Guests Set Code: SPG
Release Date: April 19, 2024
Commander Decks | Commander | Variants | Promos | Products | Number Crunch
Buy Collector Box - $229.99 Buy Play Box - $139.99 Buy Play Booster - $3.99 Buy 4 Commander Decks - $164.99

The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride

Honest Rutstein

Intimidation Campaign

Jem Lightfoote, Sky Explorer

Jolene, Plundering Pugilist

Kambal, Profiteering Mayor

Kellan Joins Up

Kellan, the Kid

Kraum, Violent Cacophony

Laughing Jasper Flint

Lazav, Familiar Stranger

Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot

Make Your Own Luck

Malcolm, the Eyes

Marchesa, Dealer of Death

Miriam, Herd Whisperer

Obeka, Splitter of Seconds

Oko, the Ringleader

Pillage the Bog

Rakdos Joins Up

Rakdos, the Muscle

Riku of Many Paths

Roxanne, Starfall Savant

Ruthless Lawbringer

Satoru, the Infiltrator

Selvala, Eager Trailblazer

Seraphic Steed

Slick Sequence

Taii Wakeen, Perfect Shot

Vial Smasher, Gleeful Grenadier

Vraska Joins Up

Vraska, the Silencer

Wrangler of the Damned

Wylie Duke, Atiin Hero

Bandit’s Haul

Boom Box

Gold Pan

Lavaspur Boots

Luxurious Locomotive

Mobile Homestead

Oasis Gardener

Redrock Sentinel

Silver Deputy

Sterling Hound

Tomb Trawler

Abraded Bluffs

Arid Archway

Bristling Backwoods

Conduit Pylons

Creosote Heath

Eroded Canyon

Festering Gulch

Forlorn Flats

Jagged Barrens

Lonely Arroyo

Lush Oasis

Mirage Mesa

Sandstorm Verge

Soured Springs

Bucolic Ranch

Blooming Marsh

Botanical Sanctum

Concealed Courtyard

Inspiring Vantage

Spirebluff Canal

Jace Reawakened






Collector’s Cage

Grand Abolisher

Oltec Matterweaver

Rest in Peace

Esoteric Duplicator

Simulacrum Synthesizer

Worldwalker Helm

Greed’s Gambit

Harvester of Misery

Hostile Investigator

Generous Plunderer

Legion Extruder

Memory Vessel

Molten Duplication

Territory Forge

Ancient Cornucopia

Bristlebud Farmer

Omenpath Journey

Sandstorm Salvager

Vaultborn Tyrant

Loot, the Key to Everything

Pest Control

Lost Jitte

Lotus Ring

Nexus of Becoming

Sword of Wealth and Power

Torpor Orb

Transmutation Font

Fomori Vault