MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Wilds of Eldraine Spoiler
Wilds of Eldraine Preview Events:
Wilds of Eldraine Story: August 8–14
Debut and Previews Begin: August 15
Card Image Gallery Complete: August 25
Loading Ready Run’s Pre-Prerelease: August 26
Streamer Event on MTG Arena (formerly Early Access): August 31
Command Zone’s Game Knights Wilds of Eldraine Commander Gameplay: September 6
Global Tabletop Launch (Including Starter Kit): September 8
Wilds of Eldraine Gameplay Events:
Prerelease at Your Local Game Store: September 1
MTG Arena Release: September 5
WPN Game Store Open House: September 8–10
Friday Night Magic: September 8–November 3
Commander Nights: September 9–November 9
MagicCon: Las Vegas and Magic World Championship XXIX: September 22–24
WPN Store Championships: September 30–October 8
Alchemy: Wilds of Eldraine Release: October 10
Wilds of Eldraine Commander Decklists | Variants | Wilds of Eldraine Commander | Number Crunch
Buy Set Box - $129.99 Buy Draft Box - $119.99 Buy Collector Box - $224.99 Buy Commander 2 Decks - $79.99

Hylda of the Icy Crown

Johann, Apprentice Sorcerer

Likeness Looter

Neva, Stalked by Nightmares

Obyra, Dreaming Duelist

Rowan, Scion of War

Ruby, Daring Tracker

Sharae of Numbing Depths

Syr Armont, the Redeemer

Talion, the Kindly Lord

Totentanz, Swarm Piper

Troyan, Gutsy Explorer

Will, Scion of Peace

Yenna, Redtooth Regent

Beluna Grandsquall

Callous Sell-Sword

Cruel Somnophage

Decadent Dragon

Devouring Sugarmaw

Elusive Otter

Frolicking Familiar

Gingerbread Hunter

Heartflame Duelist

Imodane’s Recruiter

Kellan, the Fae-Blooded

Mosswood Dreadknight

Picnic Runner

Pollen-Shield Hare

Questing Druid

Scalding Viper

Veiled Shepherd

Spellscorn Coven

Tempest Hart

Tear the Seam

Twining Twins

Woodland Acolyte

Agatha’s Soul Cauldron

Candy Trail

Collector’s Vault

Eriette’s Tempting Apple


Hylda’s Crown of Winter

The Irencrag

Prophetic Prism

Scarecrow Guide

Soul-Guide Lantern

Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender

Three Bowls of Porridge

Crystal Grotto

Edgewall Inn

Evolving Wilds

Restless Bivouac

Restless Cottage

Restless Fortress

Restless Spire

Restless Vinestalk
















Food Coma

Lady of Laughter

Pests of Honor

Faerie Slumber Party

Rowdy Research

Sortyteller Pixie

Experimental Confectioner

Malevolent Wichkite

Old Flitterfang

Become Brutes

Charging Hooligan

Ogre Chitterlord

Intrepid Trufflesnout

Provisions Merchant